Be a work in progress! always move forward. Only you can define your pace, but do it with a positive outlook and the world will watch with amazement.
I’ll bet I’m not alone with having expectations that are too high. Sound familiar to you? So many reasons, we find limitations with age, health (physical or mental or both) etc.
When I was almost at the bottom and feeling discouraged a member of the sailing club saw I was about to give up and he came over to give me a pep talk. I told him all things I tried to do to make my sailboat go faster, how I tried to keep up with the fleet....
We are all going to die. But the fact that there was a relative estimate of the time frame somehow allowed me to have a whole new outlook on life. One I wish I could share with everyone.
Like all of us, we have appointments and things we must do. Don’t get bogged down with things that are not important, like email or Facebook that can take you down a rabbit hole or worse, upset you. I know this is hard; I do it too often too, the trick is to prioritize.
Worries, we all have them, we all deal with them every day, but to what end? Do we worry about what will happen to us in the future? These things rob us of our today’s peace and joy, and we lose living in the present. To put it short and sweet, worries need to either be forgotten or addressed as needed to put on a plan or list.
Learning that had you Dementia and the ramifications of what that means to your life is a slow process, one I have discussed before in Getting to Acceptance. Don't backslide.
I think to most of us the challenge is we know we don’t have all of our ducks in a row, especially as we age, we can feel things are not quite like they used to be. But is this wisdom that comes with age or is the real question what are the right duck to have?