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Chapter 9

Make Peace a Priority

Today we're going to talk about peace.  Not peace in the world, not peace in our time, but inner peace.  And putting inner peace as a priority. There are three key categories that constitute your ability to help make personal peace a priority: 1. Mental well-being. 2. Emotional well being 3. Spiritual state

My Process for Meditating Past Pain

I learned how to meditate years ago as a necessity to keep doing my job. The projects I lead were stress filled and I found myself bringing the stress home to my family on the weekends. So, I searched for ways to deal with it. I did paintings in the evenings; I took walks and listen to music… all the great things but the real thing that help me was learning meditation.

The Power of Music

Music can frame some of our greatest moments, joy, sorrow, love and of course pain and loss.  So many emotions can be captured in music.  So many things can change with Dementia but music, yes music can still help us find and even remember joy in the morning.

The Most Important Coping Mechanism

Today we’re going to start the series in Chapter 9 with the most important coping mechanism. Coping mechanisms are one of the most important set of things you can do if you have problems with memory, and quite honestly you should start doing these things as soon as possible after you find out that you have dementia or even suspect you may have memory issues.