I know the day will come when I can no longer be in control of my situation, and maybe my thoughts. But for now, I can own my situation. There is no one to blame, no regrets, no sadness, only determination to make the best of each day until then.
Yesterday I lived up to this challenge, in the morning I went to water aerobics for the first time in a long time, even though I knew it could bring on pain. I spent time with good friends in the morning over coffee. Then even though I felt exhausted with a nap under my belt, I made one of my favorite Cajun dinners: Duck Confit-Dirty Rice.
While I was prepping and cooking, my loving wife was arranging for friends; at the last minute; to join us for this simple but delicious meal. I love to cook, and I especially love to cook for others, but arranging for a party can send my anxiety level into high gear. This is caused by my wife’s wanting to make sure the house looks just so, and my concern for making a meal that not only people enjoy but meets my standards.
But last night was nothing like that, there was no preparation anxiety, no last-minute rushing around, friends showed up while I was putting the finishing touches on the meal, the conversation lifted as we all enjoyed the aroma of the food and spices being brought together, and while I was finishing the Dirty Rice my darling wife added extra salads as the count changed.
Then the food was served in a large bowl and a small plate for the salads. Nothing fancy, just rich Southern tastes that go back to when the French came to New Orleans.
My Godfather who lived in NOLA would have been proud of me. Good Food, Good Friends, Good Conversation. What can make life better?
copyright 2022
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