
Setting Goals

Reevaluating and setting new goals are an important aspect of what we need to do after we get to acceptance of a diagnosis with a terminal disease such as Dementia.  But just because we have given up on some of our old goals, doesn’t mean we have to give up on new ones as the situation changes.

You may have been the person who once you set a goal, you strive for it and achieved. Or you may have been the person to set a goal and hope for it and try to your best to achieve it.  No matter which type of person you are, living with something like Dementia or any other type of terminal disease, it is important to remember that goals are aspirations, they represent the things that you would like to do, the things that bring you joy. The end result is not a target for the future, the end result should be something that is achieved each day.

So just because you didn’t achieve your goal today doesn’t mean you should give up on it.

Copyright 2022

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