In my darkest despair I felt I had nothing to offer, I would eventually become an immense burden on my wife and family. I discussed this on my video Getting to Know Me Part 1. How could I be of service to other when I have Lewy Body Dementia.

I was in deep pain, my mental focus was on the loss of my life that I thought I had left to enjoy, I wanted it to end.
Then in that despair I found hope in God’s message and the knowledge I had gained in Stephens Ministry. I found Isaiah 41:9-10.
I said, ‘You are my servant’;
I have chosen you and have not rejected you.
10 So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
NIV Bible
Then after seeking help, I found my way back. Back with a new purpose, back with a calling, to not only be positive but to share with other people. That calling has led me to people like Brenda Roberts with Dementia Minds and Teepa Snow with Positive Approach to Care, and I knew my mission was clear.
Yes, you have issues, and yes, you have a limited amount of time left, but you have a lot to be thankful for. Helping others will continue to help you stay externally focused. Mental Floss a website founded at Duke University with over 1 Billion readers’ list 7 benefits of Helping Others

1 – Helping others can help you live longer – Now that sounds like the ticket.
2 – Helping Other is Contagious – to me these falls in the pay if forward category. I know I have been so blessed in my life, this is important, and it turns out it’s contagious. Cool.
3 – Helping others makes us happy – one of the keys to positive thinking is to be happy. No one else can do this for you, you have to do it yourself, so here is a prescription.
4 – Helping Others May Help with Chronic Pain – Wow this one speaks to me right away. Not only can it help me be happy, but it can help me reduce the pain I live with every day.
5 – Helping Others Lowers Blood Pressure – Not one of my major concerns, or maybe it should be since I take two blood pressure pills. How about you?
6 – Helping Others Promotes Positive Behaviors – Back to everyday being positive here is more support.
7 – Helping Others Gives us a Sense of Purpose and Satisfaction – When you help others you end up looking forward to your day. You get out of bed with a goal, and you end the day feeling good.
So, the logical question for 2020 is how can I do this with the Pandemic. Simple, make calls to friends and people at your church or community. Make meals, help at the food pantry, and obviously make contributions of both your time and energy.
These seven items published by Mental Floss are not the only list
Psychology Today – In Helping Others, You Help Yourself[1]
UK Mental Health Organization – Kindness Matters Guide[2]
Healthline – How Helping People Affects Your Brain [3](just up our alley)
Cleveland Clinic – Why Giving Is Good for Your Health[4]
There are lot’s more articles, but the key is to get off your butt and do something. Oh, by the way it’s fun!
[1] You Help Yourself – Psychology Today
[2]Kindness Matters Guide – UK Mental Health Org.
[3] How Helping People Affects Your Brain – Heathline
[4]Why Giving Is Good for Your Health – Cleveland Clinic
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