
1 – Wake Up Early

Wake Up Early – If possible, enjoy the sunrise.  Take in the quiet, enjoy the slow pace of the early morning.  Use this time to meditate, give thanks to God, there is always something to be thankful about.  If you’re keeping a journal, write, and of course exercise.

My Mornings – Since Patsy has joined me, are so much more memorable.  I have my coffee get dressed, take her for a walk, enjoy the fresh air, thank God, as I take in the early morning sun, I feel the warmth when I am in the sun, I am amazed at the temperature change I feel when we walk into a shady area.  I feel God’s spirit in the air, the trees, the dew and on the grass.  For me, it is a deeply spiritual experience.  For Patsy, it a morning walk.  She makes sure the neighborhood is safe and well.

copyright 2022

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